Today's the day

By sheilwill

Spot the dog

Today's the day ........................... to buy the Westmorland Gazette

Thursday is the day that the local weekly paper drops on to the mat first thing. The Westmorland Gazette (or the Wezzie Gezzie as it is affectionately known) is a wealth of information on all things local and absolutely vital if you live around here. It's actually not a bad read too - and has won lots of journalistic awards.

But you really know that you're in a rural county when you turn to page 50 for the weekly competition...... where else would you find a 'Spot the Dog'? We have to work out where the sheep dog is by looking at the sheep - and then put a cross where we think the centre of the dog's nose is using a ballpoint pen.

The prize money is not bad today either. This week's new jackpot stands at £850 ..............

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