The way I see it.

By christinePears

Marble Stoppered Bottle

Normal service will be resumed when I have finished with this flu! Feeling a bit better today and even contemplating going back to work tomorrow.
Yesterday's blip was the neck of this marble stoppered bottle. I found it while diving on the "bottle wreck" at the mouth of Stornoway harbour near the Beasts of Holm. The ship was carrying a cargo of bottles of all shapes and sizes when it went aground on the rocks in the late 1800's. Most of what remains is just the jaggy remnants of broken bottles but I was lucky to find an intact one and it is a treasured possession. The inscription on the front of it is John MacDonald Stornoway and on the back it says Woods ltd, Portobello. John MacDonald was the name of the company in Stornoway who manufactured lemonade and sold it in these intriguing bottles. They were filled under pressure while upside down and the glass marble would press against a rubber gasket to seal it. The little groove in the neck was where the marble would fit when the lemonade was being poured out.

Modern plastic ones just aren't the same!

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