Cambodia and the world.

By spandango

Hill of Fire.

This is a Cambodian BBQ, Phnom Pleung, which translates as "Hill of Fire". There's at least one of these restaurants in most Cambodian towns. You are given a lump of fat, strips of meat (normally beef), prawns, and an egg, which you cook on the top of the "hill", and then you pour water into the moat thing at the bottom, and are given another plate with vegetables and noodles on, which you put in the water to make a soup.

We went to the restaurant, which we call "Cow on the Hill" (because you cook beef on the top of the "hill") tonight. A new English teacher has arrived in town, who originally comes from near Brighton, but has been living in Vietnam, so she came along, and we got to meet her for the first time, which was nice. She's pushed the number of Barangs (foreigners) in Sisophon into double figures - there's now 10 of us!

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