Joe's Blips

By joesblips

Pink Tulip

Mrs. Joesblips is on mid term break from the school where she works, all this week. I therefore haven't got quite as much time for attending to blips as I would like. She is finding all sorts of jobs around the house which I have been putting on the long finger for weeks so this is the week of her retribution. I have just come in from attempting to cure a leak in the back of her car. It seems as if the rainwater is getting in around the window seal on the hatchback lid and from there into the boot. Right now I am waiting for the sealant to cure, then it's back to it again to remove the masking tape and tidy up the edges of the sealant. Fingers crossed!

Shot this tulip earlier this morning before she emerged from the bed with her "to do" list for the day. No, I didn't find it in the garden. This one came in a bunch from Lidl. I devised a home made light tent for this one. Turned a kitchen chair upside down on the dining table. Draped a white sheet over the upturned legs and down the back and both sides. One lamp either side, flower in vase inside the tent and "blip". Background texture is a separate shot of rough watercolour paper added in Photo Shop.

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