Bumblings of a bee

By Beesarefine

The joys of spring

Went to three garden centres yesterday and came away with a bag of goodies from one and a book of slow cooking recipes from another (indeed I was surprised to find a cut-price book shop in the middle of the garden centre).

I love the little orange faces of the violas. Also the varigated nepeta makes excellent ground cover - the ones I planted last year survived our harsh winter out in the garden. As well as these there are some tiny verbena and even tinier bidens plants which I hope to nurture to full size.

Makes me realise I should blip the miniature daffs I bought, in the green, from the pet shop last week. (Yes, I did say pet shop - it's the owner's little sideline - come to think of it, I used to frequent another pet shop which sold plants. Seems to be a trend up here.)

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