
By MaggieD


Felt a bit disappointed this morning as we walked Rona.|The forecast was good but it was a dreich start to the day. However the day brightened when Joyce came over for a chat and we put the world to rights.

After lunch John and I went for a run to Linlithgow. Travelliing along the M9 we saw something white crossing the motorway. We both thought it was a sheep. As we got closer a car was parked on the hard shoulder and we realised it was a dog that had crossed in front of us to the middle reservation. At that point the owner of the car also dashed right across both lanes and managed ,after shouting frantically at the poor dog, to catch it. Unsure how or why this incident happened but my heart was in my mouth as we witnessed it.

Nice evening tonight with all the family here for tea. As I blip wee Euan is fast asleep. Ali having a rest on the couch. Andrew is being helped by Fiona to fill in a job application. Phil away to do some grocery shopping and Grandpa keeping a watchful eye over Euan! The dogs are both snoring....just another evening in the D household!!!

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