
By middleman


That picture on the bathroom wall behind me is of the actor Vincent Gallo, Christina Ricci's on there too. It's the main image from the poster/DVD cover of the film Buffalo 66. It makes me chuckle every time I see it because my youngest daughter refuses to believe that it's not a photo of me and her mum. It's true, I'm usually a bit stubbly/beardy and sometimes have my hair a bit longer but me and Gallo I can't really see the resemblence. Mum and Ricci likewise are not in the slightest similar-looking.

Not quite as much of a case of mistake identity as a pal of mine who used to have a framed 10x8 still from the film Short Cuts on his mantlepiece. An acquaintance of his visited the flat and just presumed it was a picture of his parents. With garlands. And cocktails. In a trailer. How cool would it be to have Tom Waits as your dad though?

Standard kind of day today, a bit of this and a bit of that, a litte wandering here and there but not really much to speak of. The CD thingummy that I thought had arrived in the post last week (the package that actually turned out to be the new PJ Harvey album I'd forgotten I'd ordered) finally arrived today. Expect some suitably atmospheric, dark, moody and possible quite scary musical offerings once I've given it a good run-through.

Musically for today, I should really link to some Vincent Gallo tune (some of his stuff is actually rather good in a lo-fi homemade manner, all fashioned on vintage analogue equipment), but instead I'm going way off to one side and picking something that caught my eye on the ipod scroll yesterday when I was deep in the 'C' part of the alphabet. It's a bit of a classic from Cornershop (not that one, but a very different one). Lovely

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