Odd offerings out & about

By roymci

Lurgy Apocalypse

Well it's happened. I've got home tonight sore head and achy limbs so
the other zombies reckon I'm at about Day 1 in my progress through
'flu. They are at about Day 8 and Day 10 respectively. I watched
yesterday as Mo was nearly reduced to tears with the continual hacking
cough. I've been here a fair while now but I don't think I've every
been in a situation where I've watched others get a stinking bout of
flu and then know that it is sneaking up on me.

So with that in mind, my blip for tonight is courtesy of the scene in
trainspotting where Renton has a set of items to get off his drug
habit. His list "Tomato soup, ten tins of. Mushroom soup, eight tins
of, for consumption cold. Ice cream, vanilla, one large tub of.
Magnesia, milk of, one bottle. Paracetamol, mouthwash, vitamins.
Mineral water, Lucozade, pornography. One mattress. One bucket for
urine, one for feces and one for vomitus. One television and one
bottle of Valium".

I've Malcolm Gladwell & my MP3 player full of podcasts to see me through it. Could be worse.

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