Embers From The Stars

By phoenixvolta

So It's Come To This

I was planning to sneak a picture of my sister before so left today for my blip. I managed to get a couple of shots but they will have to remain in the family collection, reason being my sister wasn't 'done-up' so I have been told they aren't allowed to grace cyberspace. Well technically I was told I could upload one but I would never want to post a picture of someone if they weren't happy with it.

Anyway while I was in her room I took a couple of pictures of her Pandora bracelet, they seem to be all the rage these days, and we were joking about how it would be kind of strange for a guy to post a picture of a piece of jewellery, but since I got nothing else here it goes. It's not mine, I swear! (shifty eyes)


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