Day by Day with Otago Lad

By otagolad

Under my feet.................

Today the reality of this weeks occurence hit me and hit me really hard.

So Ive been thinking............

The one thing in my fortysomething years that I have always been able to count on is the earth that we stand on. It is solid, can be counted on to support us and stay firm regardless of what is happening around us. Even after the September 4th earthquake this feeling stayed reasonably strong. That is now gone. We have no idea what we stand on, whats just under the surface we stand on or way way below where we stand.
How do people of Christchurch ever feel safe standing on the ground. The strength of human resolve is amazing but we have a lot to do to trust the planet again, I hope to all it comes really soon.

Prayers are with all we have left behind and lost in Christchurch, Kia Kaha.

Back blips of the earthquake.

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