Every Little Step

By moonfairy


Curiosity got the better of Neo the other day. He jumped up on the cooker top whilst it was still hot and burnt his paw. My husband said, 'I heard him cry out, but when I came into the kitchen he was on the floor.' So nobody noticed he'd burnt his paw pad until I saw it tonight. Maybe he'll stop doing it now, probably not though.

Hasn't been a very good day for me.

During the night my face started to hurt from my tooth extraction so I took some pain killers at about 10pm. Then at 4 am I woke again and took 2 more. 45 minutes later when I got up for work I felt decidedly woozy, but thought I'd be alright when I got out in the fresh air. Wrong, I should have stayed at home.

Just before I got to work I had to pull over, and was sick. Thought I'll be ok now. But at work after 3 hours I was sick again. So I went home.

Driving home I felt really tired, and my eyes kept closing, and at one point I actually drifted across the rode. I know I should have pulled over and stopped but I carried on, put the air-con on really cold and managed to stay awake.

Before falling into bed, I looked at the box of pain killers and read the instructions again. I was only to take 1 tablet every 3 hours. So I'd overdosed myself by taking 2 tablets.

I went to bed and slept for over 4 hours, but I felt all weak and really rough for the rest of the day. I don't know how drug addicts do it.

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