What's up today?

By sabby

And so, she messes with the mess!

While daddy is away, Sara took the privilege to go through his mess. Showed a photo of Sara caught in the act and his reply was not to let Sara play at his corner coz Sara will make a mess. Erm.. You mean more mess?

Work was super busy. Busier than intake itself. Down with 2 staff too. I was doing calls until I got really restless that the queue outside is going too slow! The best part, no one seem to bother. Well.. I shouldn't but I care. I dunno how 1 can be so ignorant.

Grumpy is still around. Pfft. I don't really like him. He is mean to me. We went for dinner at Arab st. He was sweet enough to play with Sara while we took turns eating. He does feel kinda bad that Sara can't play ard. Cone to think about it, where is a suitable place for us to be with friends and it's baby friendly. Hmmmmm...

The night is short today. Wished it'll be longer but dear have to work. I miss him..

I love it when Sara held her hands out and walking towards me.. I don't know if she still will once she's all grown up.

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