Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

You're my favourite!

Everyone has favourites?be it food, colours, clothes, or a pair of shoes. But are our reasons for these favourites all the same? I don?t think so?for example, if you asked me what my favourite piece of jewellery is, I?d struggle?some things I like because they were gifts, some remind me of holidays, others are just really pretty. The same goes for clothes and shoes?and I?m sure it?s the same for everyone. I think a lot of the time we actually can?t choose a favourite, but when forced to choose a pair of shoes?these are mine!

These are my prom shoes, and haven?t really been worn much since then (over a year ago!)?but that doesn?t matter. They are a constant reminder of the good times experienced throughout that year, and that specific evening. There is even some mud left on them from walking back home afterwards!! They are also something I'm proud of, having shortened the elastic straps over the foot myself!

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