Prince William

Early start as I had to be in the Quad for 8.45 to be ready for guests arriving between 9.30-10.30. It was raining to begin with and cycling into town with my gown on would not have been fun so the wonderful TSP gave me a lift.
My job was to show people to their allocated seats which wasn't to hard! Once everyone was sat at about 10.30 we all had to wait, just sat, for another hour before there was any sign of the Prince and Kate arriving. Very, very cold!
He gave a really good speech and I think made St. A feel quite proud. I then went with some of my fellow ambassadors to line the streets with the rest of the students and public and received a handshake from the Prince himself! Unfortunatly I didn't have my camera on me as we weren't allowed them or any bag with us, so my phone had to do.
The weirdest part was when I was asked to do an interview for a French news agency, so I grabbed two fellow ambassadors to do it with me. I hope that clip never surfaces! Crazy day!

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