
By lifeandstuff

careful wishes.

"One hour of thoughtful solitude may nerve the heart for days of conflict - girding up its armor to meet the most insidious foe."

Lovely day today, me and the little star had an unwritten, unsaid agreement to sort the place out. I quietly filed my "E for efter" shelf, she quietly sorted everything else. I am left with a shelf with two bills, and a clear(ish) head. It has amazed me already how many times I have had to do this this year. It is silly how many things accumulate that are just rubbish, mental and physical. That will inevitably end up in the bin.

Other than sorting, we had a very busy day with very happy people, and some very welcome visits from friends. I love my work, it is like a social club sometimes, lovely people coming in to see us. It seems to attract really nice people.

So, no major stories from today, other than tea time, wee one had fish and sweetcorn, and I had roast peppers. She decided that she didnt really like peppers, but did, however, like to lick mine, on the plate. So I had to cut round the licked bits, so as not to get any little people licky germs. Obsessive as that may seem, as she is a part of me, im sure you will agree, that little people licky germs aint pleasant.

I am sure something more exciting that little soggy tongued children happened in my day, but that made me laugh.

The photo is my office. Again. having moved my furniture around and had a bit of time to sit, and think, and think, and think I thought it was a nice way to show my day.

hope you all had a lovely day too! :)

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