My Angle

By myangle


While I took this shot there was a beautiful orange sunset going on behind me. I elected not to turn and shoot it. I didn't really want to photograph a bunch of rich peoples houses even if the sunset was great.

So it's Manly Harbour again. This was supposed to be a golf blip but I lost my camera (and found it later). Besides, I played very average and was in a dark mood by the end of the round. Actually I have been moody since I woke up this morning. That isn't unusual for me when I have a lot on my mind. Usually when I get like this it is set in for the day.

While I took this photo I had a big frown on my face. That was to discourage and well meaning passer by from trying to communicate with me. I just wasn't in the mood and in the past have been known to offend. Best to stay away.

What's on my mind?
The unfinished kitchen.
A web site I have to update.
An as yet unapproved leave application for this coming weekend.
An impending visit to the dentist.
My bike and why the thing has never run properly.
My Landrover, the ultimate "never to be finished" project.
The fact that I suspect the Car dealer ripped me off the other day with my service.

These are not in order of importance.

Probably the foremost in my mind is the unapproved leave. I have had the application in for months and keep reminding them. What makes it more irritating is that my supervisor had a Friday off recently with one days notice. If they don't approve it I am going to blow my stack. I would rather they dissapove it than leave me hanging till the last minute. This I find infuriatingly inconsiderate. Speaking my mind complete with expletives will get me nowhere. It probably won't even make me feel better. All I want is 1 day off.

So I will stew on it.

It probably doesn't help that it is stinking hot and humid.

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