
By HarryJ

Can it! Will you?

Passing the time on a flight, I took the opportunity of getting my 365 for today, and yes, you are correct, it is a can of tomato juice, attentively served by our "smiling" flight attendant on American Airlines from Orlando to Dallas.
I wanted to get a slightly different perspective of the can, but strapped and wedged tightly into my ultra economy seat, I didn't have a lot of room to pull out my 70-300 with the 2x extender on it, the passenger in front might have complained about the lens hood sticking in the back of his neck.
So, after much consideration, I decided to use my Blackberry.
(I'll let you into a secret. I haven't read the Blackberry camera manual to know how to use the bloody camera. You know what they say. RTFM.)

Ah well. Until tomorrow....

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