Gospel according to Lel

By lelpix

Feeling Ruff!

Local Graffiti ... After doing a project on Graffiti at Waterloo Station underpass, I have suddenly started noticing it everywhere. This is one of my favourites.

Have spent a large part of the day talking to Sonbon, my friend who is ill. She went home to Wales yesterday to tell her family the outcome. She spoke to Shaki and I about her funeral arrangements and was so positive about it that it was hard to believe that we were discussing her funeral.

She has chosen a song by the singer Adele that she wants played. It is called Make you feel my Love. She wanted to go and see her in concert in London in September but couldn't get tickets as they had sold out. Shaki and I went on Ebay and managed to get her 2 tickets and to say she is delighted is an understatement. The concert is in September and we are not sure what the situation will be by then, though she has assured us she will make it if it "kills her".

I found the conversation really difficult and emotional. I still can't take it in. It is starting to sink in how much I will miss her. I can't believe that only a few months ago I also made all my arrangements and I am so lucky to be able to put them to one side for now. In the back of my mind is the thought that I will always have it hanging over me. That one day I may be having the same conversation with those I love. If I am honest it scares the hell out of me.

Shaki asked her if there was anything we could do for her ... and she asked that we look after her partner after she is gone. I had to leave the conversation at this point as I couldn't speak. Life is too cruel. She is such an amazing person, a friend and a wonderful person who is the life and soul of so many peoples lives.

I photographed her and her partner Alan who is one of London's top drag queens Rose Garden and who is also fighting Cancer. Shaki and I often travel with them to gigs and they are such a fabulous couple who deserve so much more than what has been thrown at them. Yet they are the most upbeat, positive and the funniest people you could ever meet.

I wanted to not keep going on about it on here, but it seems I cannot think about anything else right now. I feel so devastated by it all. I don't want her to die. All is not good today in Lelville. ;-( xx

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