Off to new beginnings

By preussischblau


This morning, we took a walk out in the countryside near the stables I used to ride at, looked at the horses, got barked at by a HUGE dog and saw some cats purring away their Sunday morning quite lazily on old wooden barrels.

We then jumped over lots of puddles and headed towards the woods, where this lovely house was rebuilt after a fire in 1990 and is now for sale for 450 000 euros. Considering it's in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere in Northern Germany, this was quite a hefty pricetag I thought. Then again, compared to Edinburgh, it is of course nothing for 180 square meters... I've always loved this type of house from the outside, but can't help but wonder that it must be very dark inside, with such tiny windows.

Anyway, it's quite typical for this part of the country and has a lot of charme, sitting amidst rhododendron, dark woods and lots and lots of flat, very flat, green meadows.

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