simple moments

By simplemoments


i was all prepared with a very cute tree-hugging squirrel shot today... the sun was out - wind was blowing and although cold, the squirrels were playing and vying for their 15 minutes of fame with my camera.

but then i heard a noise - a shuffling sound... the squirrels suddenly scampered away and i was left alone... the wind whipping through my hair. i looked around - and then saw him.

a homeless man; with a big duffle bag on his back, slightly bowed over by the weight of it... gloves on, hat on. i wanted to say hi but he wouldn't look at me - no eye contact - and he was mumbling to himself so i slowly moved off the path... out of his way just in case he didn't see me. i noticed he was carrying two boxes, one in each hand and couldn't help but think this would probably be the foundation of his bed for the night... he will break the boxes open and lay them flat, then curling himself on them. hopefully, he has a blanket or two in that duffle of his or it'll be only the coat on his back to keep him warm tonight.

and so i knew... no squirrel blips today. how could i after this encounter... when i realize how fortunate i am - how grateful i need to be... for a roof over my head, a bed under my body every night... a furnance that runs to keep me warm - and that i am not carrying my belongings from place-to-place every day. i am blessed - and i pray that man will have a comfortable night and maybe someday will allow someone to break through his protective exterior so he doesn't have to be alone...

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