Snapping Aboot

By rxpell

Puppy Power

Meet Ruaridh the German Shepherd Puppy - he's 13 weeks old and is our newest dog. I think he is going to be a big lad and he's showing signs of being very intelligent and obedient (but then he is a GSD). I'm sure he will be featuring in a few of my blips in future :-)

I realised today that its my 365th blip, so I've been at it a year. I think I mentioned at some previous blip milestone that I was inspired to start doing this by my old buddy Dave Loudon and it has really got me back into photography again after a gap of a few years. Sometimes its been a struggle to get stuff to post, other times there's too much to choose from, but that's 365 on the trot done now. If I had to pick some highlights of my blip shots, my favourite would be this bear, closely followed by the old fishing boat The Swan and this Viking car mascot.

Over the past year, I've really enjoyed looking at other peoples blips from all over the world and think that we really are a great community, and I'd like to thank everyone who has taken the time to post their shots on here as its a truly amazing living document of the world as seen by us. I'd also like to extend an extra special thank you to the folks who have taken the time to comment on any of my pictures over the past year :-)

... right, tomorrow is the start or my next year snapping aboot :-)

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