
By Tardy

The trouble with dogs.......

Took pooch out again today. Since we had Such a great walk yesterday I thought we'd head back there again. It was great getting out and about and there was even a little bit blue in the sky. All seemed well, until the dog decided to roll in the biggest pile of shit he could find!! I usual manage to stop him in time but not today! He seemed inordinately pleased with himself as he ran past me chuffing away to himself!

As there was no way he was getting in my car covered in that, he had a bit of a wash with some premixed windscreen wash (it was all I had in the car!!)! Just enough to get most of it off. Once home I then had to lift him into dads bath so that I could get the rest of him clean. Poor wee guy, all he did was stand and shake. That was until I turned my back to get the towel! Yep, he jumped out and ran all over the house shaking himself dry. After a bit of tug-o-war with the towel (and a great deal of laughing) I gave up and threw him outside.

He's now clean and dry and lying behind dads chair. Not sure if hes hiding or just waiting to get into more trouble!

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