Oh Bug (***)
I am in A State.
I've been in said State since late last night, when I started to look for my camera battery charger which, at that time, was Mildly Mislaid.
It's now Hugely Missing.
I'm in such a State, I can't even recall the last time I used it.. Squirrel at (OMGA*) the place we were visiting, a 200 mile round trip away?? Clematis in the garden, when the carpet-fitters were here and EVERYTHING was in boxes (in the wrong rooms..)?? (And so much has gone in the, whisper it, bin). (OMGA*)
So, I went in the garden (with the camera termed affectionately 'the little camera') and there was only a shield bug (!) crying out (in a teeny shield bug voice) ''you need the EOS for me, pleeeeez''.
And I said, ''I knoowwww, but we'll have to make do. Say cheese.''.
*Oh My Giddy Aunt.
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