The Chaos Bros

By vik

Island Hideaway

The Bros requested another day at Tentsmuir when they saw the sun shining again this morning. 2 days at the weekend of good weather are indeed a rarity so once an early and hasty lunch was eaten we were on our way.

Wellies were the order of the day rather than walking boots because they had a plan, den building on one of the many islands in the dunes.

They set to work straight away and the den took shape quickly. Great teamwork betweeen Bros1,2&3 with Bro4 having a snooze and me with camera in hand.

After waking and joining his big Bros in the finished den for a snack and lots of giggling, Bro4 decided to escape from the island hideaway. Splashing with his wellies on was far too tempting!

Den building shots are in my Blipfolio.

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