
By belg

Me myself

I was going to post a Mimosa against the blue sky. But that's funnier!!! Concentrated me.

We went south today, another great "calçotada". This time, the coffee mommies, children and husbands. The "calçots" from the vegetable garden of Toni's parents. I made the "salsa romesco". The husbands struggled with the fire, burning the "calçots", barbecuing the meat, while mommies fed the children. Black fingers. Then the meat with the amazing "alioli" that Magda prepared.

And then, just to sit on a diet for a whole week, 2 cakes from Magda, the best cook ever.

We had such a wonderful time, so we left at the same time as everybody, therefore, traffic jams. The sky was pink, the sea was so close, all beautiful, but no chance to take a good shot. And this is fun.

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