All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Cheeky Monkeys

Blooming teething. After Ethan being so out of sorts yesterday, I was up with him for ages at 2am today and he then woke for the day at 6am! As I'd been up during the night, hubbie got up with him then, but I only managed to cat nap after that so was a bit fuzzy headed today.

We decided to take him to Edinburgh Zoo today to try to take his mind off his sore mouth. He seemed to enjoy the monkey house and some of the other animals. However, we were all disappointed when the penguin parade didn't take place .... as none of the penguins wanted to come out of their enclosure today!

We then headed over to my sisters house. She's keeping really well but is now 8 days overdue so we're all on tenterhooks waiting for her baby to decide to put in an appearance. Ethan got really tetchy again - he has been knawing his hand half the day and is clearly in a lot of pain. He has got worse as the evening progressed and now we're back home he's really upset. Hardly eaten all day and doesn't even want to finish his bedtime milk. Poor wee mite. Could be a long night for us all, not good when it's the beginning of my first full week (4 day!) week back at work.

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