a town called E.

By Eej


We stopped at the Hatchery for an invigorating (= mostly very cold) early morning walk. The sun came out, the clouds were cooperative, birds were singing, it was lovely. My photos were looking underexposed on my screen, so I adjusted settings ... and came home with 177 generally overexposed photos. What the ...? Well, I guess that's what happens when you think you know better than your camera :/ I blame the sun, the size of the screen and my sunglasses.
And maybe my stubbornness.
A little.

Then there was dinner to be made, a visit from a friend and her dog, dinner to be had and all of a sudden it was late and I could see a Desperation Blip in my near future.

Which this is.

I promise I'll try for something more exciting than a cat in a basket tomorrow.

She IS very cute though :)

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