
By calico


This is Jolly. Well, that's not her actual name. That's just her Mardi Gras name. Her French name is Jasmine, and her English name... well, let's just call her H. Confused yet? Let me explain. See, in my French class (where we were all given French names in addition to our English ones) Mardi Gras is hugely celebrated (even though it's Alaska) because the teacher is from New Orleans. So all of the language classes in the school get into groups and make fun-themed floats (consisting of wagons, trolleys, and, in our case, a donkey cart) to celebrate the holiday. My group has six people in it and three of us met today to work on costumes for our Candyland theme. That's why H's hair is all teased up. I am Ms. Mint and let me just say right now that I look absolutely ridiculous! But so will everybody else in the group, so its all good. I'm not going to show you a shot of me in my costume just yet (I'll save that for Mardi Gras), but I promise it will be very entertaining!

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