
By Sox

Master Bedroom from the Outside.

The engineer came today, he said it was history. Which we were expecting but also was almost impossible to understand. Funny how the brain can malfunction. I got an immediate headache which seemed unrelated but did not assist the comprehension difficulties I can assure you!
Anyway bright side of things is that we have a clear cut decision and we have hopefully a shorter process towards completion of something entirely new, than we would if we were trying to do a repair that was becoming increasingly difficult and complex to achieve. The builder is very happy as a new build is a dream and a lot less dangerous than alternative proposals.
It will be a sad blow to the history of our community but what can you do? Sometimes these forces are totally beyond our capacity to recover from.
The media are reporting that over 500 inner city buildings will be demolished, it is impossible to comprehend that as well. It has potential to drive our city in the past. Many of our professional friends have already left as their business offices are in the CBD which is still out of bounds, and they have relocated to other branch offices in major cities. It is a sudden and nasty to find out that your elite work force is scampering away, but on a personal basis totally understandable. We are lucky we can stay, or relocate as we choose. We have no plans to pack at this point.
Ah well, we have successfully got through another day. Headache has gone. Dinner is required. Thanks for all your support and encouragement.

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