Don't Worry-I'm a Pro

By AllenFreeman

Chinese Food

This was on the wall near us while at the resturant tonight. Yes, we went to another movie believe it or not. "Michael Clayton" starring George Clooney and it was very good. The movie has been out for a long time and I was surprised it was still playing here. We thought we'd have the whole place to ourselves but an elderly couple came in and sat to our left about 3 rows behind us. And they talked through all the previews, advertising, and the full movie! I "Shusssed" them a few times but it didn't stop them. (And the man even giggled and laughed at inappropriate moments....clearly not seeing what was on the screen.) All I could think about was the fact that they clearly didn't watch the movie. Well, they didn't listen to any of it. They probably had no clue as to what was going on at any point of it till the credits rolled. Then they knew to leave. Why did they even go there? Usually this is the case with kids under 10.

But anyway the movie was great and we really liked it. Sure, it had those slow bits like the movies this year seem to be doing. You know where we don't see someone just drive someplace. We see them walk to the car, get out their keys, and then get in and then think about something for a while, then start the car and geeeezzzze!. This is just an example. You know what I mean.

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