Pax in a Box

By paxinabox

Mug Shots!

Immediately after arriving to Staunton for the weekend, we wandered to the coffee shop. As you know, I love coffee. Out of our small group, my husband is the only one who does not love coffee. But he loves me, so I overlook it.

I'm catching up on posting pictures here. I really didn't take many over the weekend. (I took pictures of friends, which is memorable and great and everything, but I don't know how comfortable friends would feel with being a part of this very public journal.) You can't take pictures in the playhouse before, during, or after the shows. You can only take pictures during the tours, which we opted not to do during this trip. Next time we go, one of my pictures of the day will be from one of the tour. I need to remind myself of that.

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