A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Spring in my step

I'm not really a shoe-person. Not in the typical sense anyway. I have a few pairs I choose from on a daily basis, but I don't go after them the way some might.

However, every now and again I happen to get a pair of shoes I really like :] I wear them 'til they barely qualify as shoes. This pair currently falls into that category! I've had them since last Spring/Summer and am enjoying the drier weather giving me an excuse to break them out again. They're pretty & they're comfy! Sadly, they're beginning to wear quite thin, so the informal, casual look-out for a new pair has begun!!

Yesterday was lovely! Lots to think about from the various churchy activities, had a little sit & read in Princes St gardens and then got to see & spend a little time with a few familiar faces :]

Had enchiladas for student lunch - yummy!! I'm normally not a huge fan of overly-spicy food and generally seek some kind of cool accompaniment, but these were gooood!

Anyhoo :]

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