Who knew?

By InOtherNews

Star Of CCTV

I got to have a bit of a drive about around the council estates of Lincoln today. Before I come across all elitest, I grew up on a council estate (as well as in some woods) and believe some of Britains greatest people live their lives in these areas. Sadly they do so amongst some proper scumbags.

I think the amount of CCTV here highlights the problems facing businesses on Lincolns estates. In fact I can't actually see the benefit of pointing three cameras at the same spot. Also unless these cameras can see through hoodies, scarves and acne I doub't they'll be able to identfy the perp. The perp being whichever child throws a missile rather than just gobbing off.

I think the woman in this shot was plotting some kind of low level nuisance crime. From here she looked okay, but as she walked past I noted her hair has been styled using that new L'Oreal 'Chip Fat', and evidently her teeth moved out a long while ago. Most importantly as she walked past I got a distinct whiff of goat.

So it's back to work today after a three day weekend. My mind is full of Kelling Heath and Symi at present. Kelling Heath is the place my Aunty has a mobile home (not mobile like gypsy, mobile like um.... caravan club) on a nature reserve. Google it if interested. Symi is of course where the strangest blip meet ever may occur in September. Obviously Clare is from there andRob is jetting in from Copenhagen. I'm tempted by a break somewhere like Symi, and figure why not? Funds allowing I shall be making my way to the idyllic Greek Island in early September with my camera and a couple of friends. That's if I can find a couple of friends. I have friends who are couples, but quite often only one half of the couple actually likes me. I'm not pulling a 'poor me' there by the way, I can be fairly abrasive to people I have little time for.

I'm also heading down to Cornwall in April I think, via Exeter. I've been invited to my cousins 18th birthday party so I figure after that I should go and cleanse the soul with my camera in and around Penzance. I shall also be taking in the Imps and Torquay. I might one day relocate to that part of the country, especially if the next decade passes and I hit 40 as a single man. If I do I reckon I need a 'thing' like mad snake man, or the guy who keeps sparrows in his lounge. Those of course are just suggestions.

Libya eh? That's some shit isn't it? That Gaddaffi fella seems a bit tapped if you ask me, always out in fancy dress and rambling incoherently about nothing. Mind you that sounds a bit like Lady Gaga to......

Are Gaga and Gaddaffi one and the same? I never caught them in the same place together. Not that I'd want to, seriously that would be some fairly specific and unusual porn wouldn't it? I know Gaddaffi is a man in the loosest sense of the word, but as for Gaga I'm not sure what's hanging and what isn't.

I seem to have gone off the track there don't I? Oh well.

Tonight Matthew I shall be mostly eaating lamb bhuna (but pretending the 'lamb' in question is soya meat or quorn) drinking Robinsons fruit juice and smoking long roll ups. I may take in some Judge Judy (the cases are real, the judgements are real, the rulings are final) and after that some of the wonderful social commentary that is Coronation Street (seriously modern day Manchester and not a single ethnic family living on the street? No one saying bugger or f*ck? Kids like David working in a salon instead of banging sniff up his nose and terrorising the elderly? How real is that?).

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