Don´t know anything about taking good pictures but I do know that I love taking pictures of my monchichis.

My little girls Alba and Nina came 8 weeks early and growthretarded. The first weeks of their lives were a struggle but now everything is fine, and we finally got home from the hospital. Read more...

Don´t know anything about taking good pictures but I do know that I love taking pictures of my monchichis.

My little girls Alba and Nina came 8 weeks early and growthretarded. The first weeks of their lives were a struggle but now everything is fine, and we finally got home from the hospital.
Because of their weak immunesystem we were told to be careful the first year of their lifes, that is, not to be around too many different people because of risk of infection. In other words we are going to be pretty isolated until next summer.

I heard about blipfoto from a friends mother and I thought this could be a nice thing to do during the looooong Swedish fall and winter.

So this journal is for my two little miracles, hope they will enjoy it sometime in the future...