A Year In The Life Of ...

By Gruffalo

Ashnil Samburu

Arrived at Ashnil Samburu Camp in Buffalo Springs National Park on the banks of the Ewaso Ng`iro River just before lunchtime after a 4hr drive.

We settled into our Tents for an hour before it was time for our first Game Drive, I was sitting out on the Terrace that looked out over the River, and to the right of me, about 1/4 mile away, just on the River bend, was a haze of rolling dust, and what looked like ants, so out came the Binoculars for a better look, to my astonishment they were hundreds of Baboons, heading our way.

I called Pete to come and look, he said not to worry, they wont come over, as we have an Electric Fence around the perimeter of the Camp - someone should tell the Baboons this fact, as they just climbed under it, it was at this point that I thought Pete had lost his marbles, as he was doing some kind of War Dance on the Terrace to keep the Baboons away, I nearly pee`d myself.

Our 1st Game drive was at 4.30 till 6.30, and this young fellow/lady was our first sighting of one of the Big 5, we saw plenty of Deer and Zebra, and on our way back a lone Lioness.

Not feeling too good really, we are quite high up about 2785ft above Sea Level, and for someone who suffers with High Blood Pressure was not good, I felt quite dizzy.

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