Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Not sure what's coming, but I ain't gonna like it

I was going for another reaction shot, this slightly concerned face preceded what I said - she knows what I'm like. I did get a corking reaction face when I did make the request, but I think you'd be as impressed as she was with both the photo and what I said to achieve it , so I thought I'd post this to be on the safe side :-| She was far from pleased to say the least......

Normal day I suppose:
- three biscuits for breakfast (I don't learn do I?!?)
- writing about Nepalese safariing
- philosophical discussions about killing animals with a 10 year old - is a puppy different from a slug?
- hiding calculators from children
- waving dead frogs at colleagues

Bet your day was just the same....

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