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We moved back down South in March 2014, after 10 years in Scotland.
I am the photographer of the house and generally the one who writes this blip. I like to potter in the garden and feed the birds.
We have two very mad cats that are keeping us on our toes and if they stay still will make a good Read more...
We moved back down South in March 2014, after 10 years in Scotland.
I am the photographer of the house and generally the one who writes this blip. I like to potter in the garden and feed the birds.
We have two very mad cats that are keeping us on our toes and if they stay still will make a good blip.
As of September 2017 I am back working in London again, so lots of early mornings for me.
October 2019, my role in London is still ongoing, I travel in generally three times a week and work at home two days. We have had a busy year getting the house redecorated and the flooring updated and we plan to stay in East Sussex for a few years yet but after that who knows.
November 2022, we are still in East Sussex and I am still working but from home most of the time. The cats are as mad as ever and we are both busy with work. We are thinking about retirement and the next chapter for us... but we are not quite there as yet.
February 2023, still here and still working! Retirement seems to be taking a back seat at the moment and I am moving towards going permie in my job. We will see if it really happens!
April 2023, started as a permie person, it feels quite different from when I started with the same company in 1987! However, I have left and been back about 7 times and worked for the company every calendar year since 87. Retirement is currently a distant thought.
March 2024, we have been in Sussex now for 10 years, never knew we would stay that long!
Dec 23rd, 2023 Just a short walk
Dec 22nd, 2023 London wander
Dec 21st, 2023 No more work until next year.
Dec 20th, 2023 It's a smol world
Dec 19th, 2023 A new spot of water
Dec 18th, 2023 Snow ball
Dec 17th, 2023 Christmas decorations
Dec 16th, 2023 To the shops
Dec 15th, 2023 A different location