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Why Bundle?
The philosopher, David Hume, argued that there was no distinction between mind and matter. He said:
"We are nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement."
(David H
Why Bundle?
The philosopher, David Hume, argued that there was no distinction between mind and matter. He said:
"We are nothing but a bundle or collection of different perceptions, which succeed each other with an inconceivable rapidity, and are in a perpetual flux and movement."
(David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature (1739))
This is called Bundle Theory.
A picture of my bundled identity will slowly build and change and grow through all that I perceive in the world around me. My blips will be some aspect of my enduring bundled self... October 2011
We're now in 2016 and I've been blipping less often as work dominates my life. I still feel part of this wonderful community - I've had so much support from fellow blippers though illness, and have enjoyed meeting many of you in France, Spain and England. Now blip is entering a new era and I must start blipping again as I see there is no category for pledged lapsed blippers - it's one way to start us up again, though I do need to rediscover my 'eye'.
Also Bundle@BundleonBlip on Twitter
Jan 19th, 2012 Ribes Speciosum: Fuchsia-Flowering Gooseberry
Jan 16th, 2012 Blue No. 3
Jan 15th, 2012 Blue No. 2
Jan 14th, 2012 I like to see the evening sun go down
Jan 11th, 2012 Roast tomatoes
Jan 8th, 2012 Canal boat decoration
Jan 7th, 2012 Cotswold Goose
Jan 6th, 2012 Marmalade time
Jan 5th, 2012 Japonica