
One picture a day, capturing one memory at a time. Sounds simple enough.

Thanks for looking at my pictures. As you may have noticed there really isn't a theme - these are just random images reflecting my life.

I started posting these on January 1st 2014 (with a few back dated to get Read more...


One picture a day, capturing one memory at a time. Sounds simple enough.

Thanks for looking at my pictures. As you may have noticed there really isn't a theme - these are just random images reflecting my life.

I started posting these on January 1st 2014 (with a few back dated to get me started). I hope by the end of the year they show that I've worked hard, played harder and spent special times with my special people.

There's certainly no shortage of colour or characters in my life. Fingers crossed I capture some if it here.....

Courtnay x

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