I discovered this site after reading an article in my local newspaper, so here I am.
I have had no training in photography, only what I've read in magazine articles and books, so don't expect anything too great from me.
I have recently started taking photographs of landscapes and abstract Read more...

I discovered this site after reading an article in my local newspaper, so here I am.
I have had no training in photography, only what I've read in magazine articles and books, so don't expect anything too great from me.
I have recently started taking photographs of landscapes and abstract after several years of taking shots of aircraft, which is my other hobby.
I'm still experimenting and occasionally get a good shot.
Where possible (allowing for my memory) I plot the position of my photos on the map link.
I haven't been very consistent with posting blips recently, but now I'm retired, I'm hoping I can get back into the swing of it.

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