Well I am aback! I have now been married for just over a year and we are expecting our first child :)

I work as a Sales Manager at a glass factory in Yorkshire, a big change to my previous jobs in the hospitality trade! But I enjoy it and the challenges it brings (well most days I do).

I live with

Well I am aback! I have now been married for just over a year and we are expecting our first child :)

I work as a Sales Manager at a glass factory in Yorkshire, a big change to my previous jobs in the hospitality trade! But I enjoy it and the challenges it brings (well most days I do).

I live with my fiancé James Ashcroft (32 years old) whom I have been engaged to for 2 years and 4 months now. We have recently booked our wedding :) which is what has made me decide to start this blog!

My sister in law did one during her 2nd pregnancy and it inspired me to do the same. I am looking forward to sharing this exciting time!

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