- from United Kingdom
- 95 entries
- Gift a Membership
I've never taken photos before.
I'm sure this is patently obvious to those of you who have.
I thought a little blip here and there might help me get into the swing of things.
Bear with me. x
Mar 27th, 2013 like a bird . . .
Mar 26th, 2013 the part you throw away
Mar 25th, 2013 there's no light in the tunnel . . .
Mar 24th, 2013 Now her hair was as black as a bucket of tar
Mar 23rd, 2013 mechanics
Mar 22nd, 2013 a palace for sure
Mar 21st, 2013 one it held laughter, once it held dreams
Mar 20th, 2013 hot & sweet
Mar 19th, 2013 the broken glass, and the rusty nails . . .