No. I'm Human... most of the time.
Don't care for it much and frankly it involves a lot of 'social'. Filthy.
Why do you think I became a Freelancer? I assure you it had nothing to do with the stimulating conversations. Or the Harpies. Or the bats.
If you catch me looking at

No. I'm Human... most of the time.
Don't care for it much and frankly it involves a lot of 'social'. Filthy.
Why do you think I became a Freelancer? I assure you it had nothing to do with the stimulating conversations. Or the Harpies. Or the bats.
If you catch me looking at you funny, it's because of your hair. Or maybe you're covered in Gribbles? Or perhaps I'm wondering how you just up and vanished like that.
It's my badger... ger'off...

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