- from United Kingdom
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Update Feb 2019
I’ve not updated for awhile - I lost my dear Dolly in August of 2017. She was just 6 weeks shy of 18 years old. I miss her terribly but am thankful for her companionship over many years and for all the wonderful memories, helped by almost 4 years of blips. I still try to go on Read more...
Update Feb 2019
I’ve not updated for awhile - I lost my dear Dolly in August of 2017. She was just 6 weeks shy of 18 years old. I miss her terribly but am thankful for her companionship over many years and for all the wonderful memories, helped by almost 4 years of blips. I still try to go on as many walks and adventures as I can, although I miss my walking buddy.
From Jan 2014:
I have been inspired by a friend's blipfoto journal and decided to take the plunge myself for 2014! I'm quite an amateur photographer, but I do love to record both significant and mundane events. Most of my photographs these days are taken with my iPhone as it is so accessible.
I work as a Flight Attendant for a major International airline. I am based in the UK, but fly mostly to various cities in the US. Occasionally I travel more broadly on my own time. However, I love being at home where I enjoy walking in beautiful places with Dolly, my toy poodle and constant companion.
Email address:
Heidi's HomeAndAway
365 Project:
Aug 2nd, 2015 A Bus Parade
Aug 1st, 2015 Promises Kept!
Jul 31st, 2015 Progress, Pizza and Paparazzi
Jul 30th, 2015 Moonlight Tennis
Jul 29th, 2015 Keeping An Eye On Things
Jul 28th, 2015 My New Friend!
Jul 27th, 2015 Kitchen Remodel Day 8
Jul 26th, 2015 Before The Storm
Jul 25th, 2015 Finally….Peace!