I’m retried (formerly involved in health in many ways - started as a radiographer, ended up a professor of quality and safety in healthcare).  I’ve been married to John for many millennia (he’s a permanently about to retire journalist who campaigns for the NHS and an artist). Read more...

I’m retried (formerly involved in health in many ways - started as a radiographer, ended up a professor of quality and safety in healthcare).  I’ve been married to John for many millennia (he’s a permanently about to retire journalist who campaigns for the NHS and an artist).  I’m the mother of a wonderful son, who’s married to my fantastic daughter-in-law.  I’m a Nana to 2 truly amazing young women who I’m so proud of.  I know everyone thinks their granddaughters are beautiful - but mine are.   I’m a socialist and a feminist, who enjoy lots of crafts and taking photographs. 

I stopped blipping for about 5 years … I recently went back through my early blips and realised I like having a sort of photo diary of not only photographs I like, but also as memories and activities in our life.
So I’ve become a member and I’m back-blipping for 5 years. 
I’m doing it by month (eg in March 2025 I’m going back and posting pictures from March 2020,21,22,23 & 24 as well as stuff I’m doing currently). 
Therefore, for 12 months my new posts will include 5 years worth of back blips. 
It’s self indulgent - so feel free to ignore me - but I hope you spot something you like on the way past - and if so THANKS for your time.  I really do appreciate it. 

BTW - the titles of my photographs are normally song titles or lyrics and I usually put a link to the song on YouTube.