I'm new at this, I take pictures for fun, I draw, and currently, I've been writing poems :D
So here's a fun poem about me (kind of)

I'm the Moment Marauder
I stand there
At the scene
Maybe with others I share
On the grass so green

Or the sky so blue
A bug at my ear
Red brown an

I'm new at this, I take pictures for fun, I draw, and currently, I've been writing poems :D
So here's a fun poem about me (kind of)

I'm the Moment Marauder
I stand there
At the scene
Maybe with others I share
On the grass so green

Or the sky so blue
A bug at my ear
Red brown and black too
All both far and near

A child laughing hard
Spraying food around
A shiny glass shard
Stuck into the ground

Water droplets falling
Lazily from the sky
A mother calling
A cat's eye

Whatever the event
I capture the order
I pilfer the moment
I'm the Moment Marauder

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