For the last 25 years or so of my  work life, I was engaged in a number of international management roles - in the food aid sector, in furniture manufacturing, in ultraviolet disinfection of water and in the creation of income opportunities for poor households in developing countries.  I h Read more...

For the last 25 years or so of my  work life, I was engaged in a number of international management roles - in the food aid sector, in furniture manufacturing, in ultraviolet disinfection of water and in the creation of income opportunities for poor households in developing countries.  I have traveled to more than 95 countries.  We live in Canada in the summer, and in Mexico in the winter.

Upon my retirement in 2012, I morphed into a street photographer:  my primary photographic interests are people, their activities, their lifestyles, their costumes, their food, their tattoos, their festivals and so on.

You can learn more about me from this community blog published March 14 2017.

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