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- 2013 entries
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I have always taken photos - lots of photos. From disposable cameras to a Boots own brand film camera (bought proudly with my first lambing job wages as a student) to a succession of other, slightly more expensive, but basic film cameras.
In 2001, when we left Dumfriesshire to move to Aberdeenshir Read more...
I have always taken photos - lots of photos. From disposable cameras to a Boots own brand film camera (bought proudly with my first lambing job wages as a student) to a succession of other, slightly more expensive, but basic film cameras.
In 2001, when we left Dumfriesshire to move to Aberdeenshire with our two very young sons, hubby's leaving gift was a state-of-the-art new-fangled digital camera with a 1.1MP sensor!
He rarely takes photos that are not of wounds or infections, so I learned to use it.
An obsession was born.
By the time we had 3 children under the age of 4, my photo albums were filling rapidly. I still believe in prints. Back then, I had individual prints made. Now, I make photobooks.
I have so many memories in shoeboxes and albums. I run multiple external hard drives off my computer. I have backup DVDs...
The digital era has been a game changer, but can make things overwhelming. It's so easy to take multiple shots of the same thing. I can end a day with hundreds of shots.
Blipfoto helps reduce it all down to one image.
I take photos of anything.
I love landscape but don't have the time to pursue it much.
I love taking photos of my family at play. Due to the nature of my job, I am blessed to be able to photograph many wonderful animals. I very rarely appear in photos.
Blipping has made me look at things in a different way and has made me challenge myself photographically.
I worked my way from that wee 1.1MP Canon to using the Olympus OMD systems.
I used to be particular about always using "proper" camera shots but once I took the leap into sometimes using my phone camera photos, things opened up a bit more. The best camera is the one you have with you after all!
I hope you enjoy my journal.