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an ex-work colleague suggested I try the photo-a-day challenge for 2014. All started well, but mid-March it was hard to find time to upload even on weekly basis, and find interesting photos when working in same place each day, and it being dark on way and home from work. As a result my daily take Read more...
an ex-work colleague suggested I try the photo-a-day challenge for 2014. All started well, but mid-March it was hard to find time to upload even on weekly basis, and find interesting photos when working in same place each day, and it being dark on way and home from work. As a result my daily takes dropped off as well. Anyway, now into May and with lighter nights seem to regained enthusiasm.
So a little about me. Live in West Mids near Clent Hills. Approaching half century and enjoy walking, camping, good beer, rock music, cheese.
Feb 28th, 2014 The Eye of The Tiger
Feb 27th, 2014 Another blue sky (with a tree in the way)
Feb 26th, 2014 February Shoe Shot
Feb 25th, 2014 Yum Yum
Feb 24th, 2014 Colour (supposed to be graded)
Feb 23rd, 2014 Little Basket
Feb 22nd, 2014 The Key to Open (almost) All Doors
Feb 21st, 2014 A Rubbish Selfie
Feb 20th, 2014 End of a Great Week Away