Someone once said, "Maybe our true gift is to just figure out who we are and be that person" ~ I would like this blog to be a reflection of me - I'm a true romantic, classic and traditional...but with an edgy side at times. I'm an amateur photographer who is learning my way aroun Read more...

Someone once said, "Maybe our true gift is to just figure out who we are and be that person" ~ I would like this blog to be a reflection of me - I'm a true romantic, classic and traditional...but with an edgy side at times. I'm an amateur photographer who is learning my way around my (fairly) new Nikon D3000 SLR, and hoping to improve upon my creative and technical abilities through this photo journal, and to learn the importance of Blipfoto's fabulous and apt tag line: "Save Your Life"

I take inspiration from the words of St. Therese of Lisieux that "All is Grace"...she believed incredible, grace-filled moments can be captured anywhere, but that one must be open to them. I'm beginning to learn about who I am through the medium of photography...yet, it's a work in progress.

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